Thursday, January 1, 2009
untuk teman sejatiku......
Duhai teman sejatiku…
Buatmu, cebisan istimewa ini kunukilkan
Tanda persahabatan berpintal iman
Lantaran tak dapat kusembunyi
Apa yg melingkar di hati
Kasihku padamu tidak terperi
Terhampar luas tak bertepi
Di saat gersang jiwaku
Kau sirami muhasabah
Di saat tandus amalku
Kau suburkan qudwah
Di saat gugur semangatku
Kau bajai quwwah
Tika air mataku berguguran
Kau turut kepiluan
Tika senyumku tak lekang
Kau ceria berpanjangan
Tika kesedihan bertamu
Kau hiburkan semampumu
Tika lemah menyapa
Kau ingatkan janjiNya
Tika kejayaanku tercipta
Kau doakn redaNya bersama
Duhai teman sejatiku…
Masihkah kau bersemadi di minda?
Bahawa ukhuwah yg terjalin antara kita
Adalah cinta tulus bersulam taqwa
Rangkaian jiwa sesama insan manusia
Menjadi lambang keagungan cinta
Terhadap Sang Khaliq Maha Pencipta
Berjanjilah teman
Ukhuwah kita yg terbina
Kerana cinta padaNya
Takkan terhalang
Oleh tembok minda manusia
Takkan hilang
Dek api yg menjulang
Takkan sirna
Dek kabus yg kelam
Tapi hanyakan musnah
Dek hati yg hitam
Teruja aku pada kata2
Imam al-Ghazali yg mulia:
“ Ukhuwah itu bukan pada indahnya pertemuan
Tapi pd ingtn seseorng terhadap saudaranya didalam doanya.”
Kuharapkan mekar dihati
Agar persahabtan suci ini
Kan terus mantap
Menjadi syafaat
Terukir indah
Di pintu JANNAH..
Bersahabat itu mulia
Bercinta tanpa ikatan penuh dosa
Renungilah temanku
Jika sepasang kekasih
Berdating ditaman
Kita pula tidak sabar-sbar
Berdating dalam majlis ilmu
Penuh keberkatan
ALLAH berfirman yg bermaksud:
“ALLAH akn mengangkat orang2 beriman diantaramu
Dan orang2 berilmu beberapa darjat.”
(surah al-Mujadalah:11)
“barangsiapa berjalan untuk keperluan ilmu,
Maka ALLAH membimbingnya kejalan syurga.”
(hadis riwayat ABI HURAIRAH r.a.)
Jika sepasang kekasih
Bercumbuan dalam sembunyi
Dibawah cahaya rembulan
Jauh dari orang
Kita pula berkasih sayang
Dalam sembunyi dan terang
Tanpa takut dan bimbang
Penuh kesucian
Jika sepasang kekasih
Sering madah berhelah
Kita pula berhibur
Dengan madah kalamullah
“sebaik-baik kamu ialah orang yang mempelajari al-Quran
Dan mengajarkannya”
(hadis riwayat al-Bukhari drp Uthman bin Affan r.a.)
Jika sepasang kekasih
Sering memadu rindu
Atas ransangan nafsu
Kita pula berkasih atas
Landasan ukhuwwahfillah
Bebas dari dorongan nafsu semata
Dinaungi kasih Pemcipta
“dua orang yg berkasih sayang kerana ALLAH,
Mereka berhimpun atau bertemu kerana ALLAH
Dan berpisah pun kerana ALLAH.”
(hadis riwayat al-Bukhari, Muslim, Malik, al-Tirmizi, dan al-Nasa’i)
Jika sepasang kekasih
Menunaikan apa saja kemahuan
Buah hatinya
Kita pula sedaya upaya
Menunaikan apa sahaja
Kemahuan Pencipta kita
“pada hari kiamat kelak , tiada satu perkara pun
Pada timbangan amal org mukmin yg lbh berat
Drp akhlak yg mulia.”
( hadis riwayat al-Tirmizi dan Abu Daud dgn sanad Hasan.”
Jika sepasang kekasih
Memejam mata pd aib pasangannya
Kerana saling menjaga hati
Kita pula sentiasa menjaga akhlak dan pekerti
Dan saling nasihat menasihati
Agar peribadi makin berkualiti
Jika sepasang kekasih
Merasakan dunia ini mereka yg punya
Kita pula sentiasa menyedari hakikat
Dunia ini ALLAH yg punya
Jika sepasang kekasih
Sanggup korbankan harta, keluarga
Dan maruah demi cinta
Kita pula sanggup korbankan segala-galanya
Demi cinta agung-Nya
Dalam masa yg sama
Mencintai keluarga
Dan memelihara maruah setingginya
Duhai teman sajatiku…..
ALLAH mencipta manusia sama
Dengan sebaik-baik kejadian:
“sesungguhnya Kami menciptkan manusia itu
Dengan sebaik-baik kejadian.”
(surah at-tin :4)
cuma amalan manusia itu berbeza-beza
ada yg lalai dgn angan-angan
ada yg tekun berusaha
tentu nasib mereka berlainan
kerana ALLAH Maha Adil sifatNya
kelalaian dibalas kegagalan
kerajinan dibalas kejayaan dan pahala
kau diberi peluang membuat pilihan
kau jua yg tanggung natijahnya
Sedarlah teman sejatiku
Kita musafir di dunia
Kitakan pulang padaNya
Hidup didunia akan ditanya
Adakah diisi dengan sebaiknya
Atau keseronokan semata-mata?
Mahukah kita hidup terhina?
Tanpa ilmu sebagai bekalnya
Kelak disana rendah darjatnya
Temanku tersayang
Renungilah sebiji cawan
Jika tidak dituang air
Molekul udara memenuhinya
Begitu juga diri kita
Jika tidak diisi iman
Masuklah syaitan bermaharajalela
Diri kita perlu pengisian
Dengan ilmu dan agama
Agar hidup dekat denganNya
Barulah hatimu tenang bahagia
Ketahuilah teman sejatiku…
Kemuliaan manusia bukan pada luaran
Tapi pada hati yg tktkan Tuhan
Oleh itu, tekadkan keyakinan
Kau umat pilihan
ALLAH berfirman yg bermaksud:
“Kalian adalah sebaik-baik ummah.”
(surah Ali’Imran:110)
“sesungguhnya org yg paling mulia disisi ALLAH adlah org yg paling bertaqwq.”
(surah al-hujurat:13)
Temanku harapan ummah
Jelaskan visi perjalanan
Agar ko berpijak di landasan
ALLAH berfirman yg bermaksud:
“Ya tuhan kami, berilah kami kebaikan di dunia
Dan kebaikan di akhirat dan peliharalah kami
Daripada azab neraka.”
(surah al-Baqarah:201)
Duhai teman sejatiku
Jadikan ilmu sebagai bekalan
Agar suluhan hidupmu
Menjadi cahaya yg terang.
ALLAH berfirman yg bermaksud:
“ bacalah dengan menyebut nama Tuhanmu yg menciptakan.”
(surah al-Alaq:1)
Sedarlah oh temanku
Kita dicipta bukan satu kebetulan
Atau sekadar main-mainan
Kita pemikul amanah Tuhan:
“Sesungguhnya Kami telah mengemukakn amanat kepada
langit, bumi dan gunung-ganang , maka semuanya enggan memikul
amanat itu dan mereka khuatir akan mengkhianatinya, dan dipikullah
amanat itu oleh manusia. Sesumgguhnya manusia itu amat zalim dan amat bodoh
kerana mahu menerima tugas tapi tidak melaksankan.”
(surah al-ahzab:72)
Duhai teman sejatiku….
Hilangkan kesedihan
Pujuklah jiwamu dengan janji al-Rahman
Ketinggian seseorang kerana iman:
“Janganlah kamu bersikap lemah dan janganlah pula kamu bersedih hati,
Padahal kamulah orang-orang yg paling tggi darjatnya, jika kamu orang2 yg beriman.”(surah Ali ‘Imran:139)
Pasakkan azam wahai teman
Carilah reda Tuhan
Dengan melakukan sebaik-baik amalan
1. gandakan (x) istiqamah
2. tolak (-) kemalasan
3. bahagi (/) masa
4. tambah (+) keyakinan
inilah formula kejayaan
ALLAH meyakinkan bahawa:
“Allah tidak akn mengubah nasib sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka
Mengubah nasib mereka sendiri.” (surah al-Rad:11)
Berusahalah semaksimum yg terdaya
Jangan pula kau lupa
Letaklah pergantungan yg tggi
“ Jikalau mereka bersungguh-sungguh reda dengan apa yg diberikan ALLAH
Dan RasulNya kpd mereka dan berkata : cukuplah Allah bg kami, Allah akn memberikn kpd kami sebhgian drp kurniaNya dan demikian pula RasulNya .
Sesungguhnya kami adalah orang2 yg berharap kpd ALLAH, tentulah yg demikian itu lbh baik bg mereka.” (surah al-Tawbah:59)
Duhai teman sejatiku….
Kau tidak bodoh
Andai kau gagal selepas berusaha
Kerana itu satu ujian dan dijanjikan pahala
Bakal mengangkat darjatmu disisiNya
Jika kau reda, sabar, dan terus berusaha
Tapi, kau sememangnya bodoh
Jika kau langsung tidak berusaha
Kerana pasti kau akan gagal dan menderita
Tiada nilaian pahala drpdNya
Malah kau pula menanggung dosa
Lantaran kau sia-siakan amanah berharga
Duhai teman sejatiku
Bangkitlah dari lenamu yg panjang
Yg tak pernah berkesudahan
Sekali kau terjatuh
Jangan biarkan dirimu jatuh selamanya
Kau punya kekuatan untuk
Bangkit semula
Dan mara berlari kencang
Mencipta taufan
Berjuanglah temanku tersayang….
Tanpa mengenal penat dan jemu
Biar hidup kita derita dgn usaha
Kelak kita akan dimulia
Jika tidak didunia
Pasti nun disyurga
ALLAH s.w.t berfirman:
“Dan Kami telah menjadikan siang dengan cahaya terangnya masa unt mencari rezeki.”(surah al-Naba’:11)
Indah kalam
Rasul junjungan
Mengajar erti perjuangan
Perlukan keteguhan azam
Istiqamah, tetap pendirian
Jangan mudah terhalang
Janji Allah pasti datang!
“ Akan ada di kalangan umatku segolongan umat yg muncul
Berpegang kpd kebenaran. Mereka tidak disusahkan oleh sesiapa
Yg mengacuhkan mereka sampai dtg perintah Allah, mereka tetap seperti itu.”
Rasul bermadah lagi
Satu janji, satu aspirasi
Islam takkan dapat ditandingi:
“ Islam itu tggi dan tiada yg lbh tggi drpdnya.”
Cuma yg blm pasti
Adakah kita tinggi peribadi?
Untuk memikul amanah suci
Bagi merebut pandangan ilahi
Sebagai jiilil Quran yg tersendiri
Andainya kau cepat menyerah
Berundur sebelum berjuang
Kecundang sebelum melawan
Allah tidak teragak-agak
Untuk memilih kaum lain
Yg jauh lbh berkelayakan
Menegakkan kebenaran:
“Allahlah yg Maha Kaya sedgkan kamulah orang2 yg berkehendak
(kepadaNya ), dan jika kamu berpaling nescaya Dia akan menggantikan
(kamu) dengan kaum yg lain, dan mereka tidak akan seperti kamu ini.”
(surah Fathir:15-16)
Pujangga berkata:
“ Dua tangan yg bekerja jauh lbh baik drpd 1000 tgn yg hny berdoa.”
Ayat Allah cukup menggentarkan
Dia tidak teragak-agak membuat tapisan
Buat hambaNya yg bermalas-malasan
Sentiasa membuat alas an
Liat dengan majlis ilmu dan peningkatan
Mahu diketuk berterusan
Pujangga berkata:
“ Rajin ganjarannya sekarang; malas balasannya sekarang dan akn dtg.”
Ketahuilah temanku
Orang yang lalai dan bermalasan
Tidak menjadikan penggeraknya iman
Cinta Allah dibuat khayalan
Bimbang kelak diri akan terbuang
Dari jalan dakwah, penuh ujian
Dibiarkan Allah dengan keasyikan
Pujangga berkata:
“Sekiranya gunung tidak mendatangi Muhammad, Muhammad akan mendatangi gunung.”
Allah memelihara jalanNya
Agar disusuri hati yg bersih
Sarat ketaqwaan
Merindui wajahNya
Jua keredaan
Itulah jiwa insan pejuang
Pujangga berkata:
“ Bila memudahkan jalan orang, kita sedang memudahkan jalan kita sendiri.”
Daripada memiliki
Jiwa munafik
Bertopeng ketaatan
Sebaliknya teguhlah
Diatas jalan keredaan
Pujangga berkata:
“ Cara terbaik mendapat sahabat ialah dengan menjadi sahabat.”
Duhai teman sejatiku…
Aku ingin kita seperti Abu Bakar al-Siddiq
Persahabatan dijalin kerana al-Khaliq
Harta dikorban bukan sedikit
Cintakan kebenaran, sanggup bersakit
“ Sesungguhnya Allah tidak melihat
rupa paras dan banyaknya harta yg kamu ada,
tetapi Dia melihat kepada hati-hati dan perbuatan kamu.”
( riwayat Muslim, Ahmad, Ibn Majah dan al-Baghawi drp Abu Hurairah r.a.)
Aku ingin kita seperti tawakal Ibrahim a.s mulia
Ketika meninggalkan insane tercinta
Dibumi tandus tanpa bicara
Meyakini Allah sebagai Penjaga
“ Sekiranya kamu semua bertawakal kpd Allah dgn sebenar-benarnya
nescaya Allah akn memberi rezeki kpd kamu sebagaimana Dia memberi
rezeki kpd burung. Ia keluar diwaktu pagi dalam keadaan lapar dan pulang
waktu petangnya dalam keadaan kenyang.”
(riwayat Imam Ahmad, al-Tirmizi , Ibn Mubarak, Ibn Majah, Abu Naim, al-Hakim, dgn sanad yg sahih drpd Saidina Umar al-Khattab r.a.)
Aku impikan antara kitaseorang Umar
Berdiri tatkala tunduknya manusia
Bersuara tatkala diamnya mereka
Menggerunkan musuh durjana
Aku rindukan senyuman Syed Al-Qutb
Ketika berhadapan dengan tali maut
Akidah mantap tidak terenggut
Roh dakwahnya tidak surut
Aku ingin kita seteguh Ibn Zubair
Menahan panahan
Hajjaj dengan rela
Bersama si ibu tua
Lantas syahid
Rohnya diangkat ke syurga
Marilah kita menyemai
Benih mujahid Hassan al-Banna
Fikrahnya jernih
Menggegar dunia
Merelakan tubuhnya
Dimamah peluru
Demi menegakkan
Aku cintakan pemida Ghiffari
Menentang kezaliman walaupun diancam
Moga kan lahir lagi di abad ini
Jiwa jitu pemuda yg tak pernah suram
Aku ingin kuta sepemaaf Yusur a.s
Tetap mencintai dan menolong saudaranya
Walaupun pernah dihumban ke perigi tua
Terpisah dari ayahanda gertahun lamanya
Aku ingin pusara kita harum mewangi
Bagai harumnya pusara Masyitah
Semerbak kasturi
Kerana hebatnya iman
Mempertahankan syahadah di keliling
Lumrah persahabatan
Terhiris terguris menguji perasaan
Hanyalah satu ujian
Bukan satu halangan
Untuk terus berkasih sayang
Hadapi dengan iman
Suburkan dengan bermaaf-maafan
Sematkan doa-mendoakan
“Jauhilah kamu berprasangka buruk kerana prasangka buruk itu adalah percakapan yg paling dusta.”(Riwayat al-Bukhari, Muslim, Malik, Abu Daud,
Dan al-Tirmizi drp Abu Hurairah r.a.)
Kelemahan bukan untuk dirintihkan
Tapi satu peluang keemasan
Untuk saling melengkapkan
Ingatlah mafhum sabda Junjungan:
” Jika Allah mencintai sesuatu kaum, Dia akan mengujinya.
Sesiapa yg reda dgn Allah , Allah reda dgnnya.”
Alangkah indahnya nikmat
yg dekat dengan al-RAHMAN.
Saat demi saat
Terlalu pantas menyusur waktu
Meninggalkan jejak-jejak semalam
Yang barangkali pahit untuk digamit
Menukilkan kenangan
Yg barangkali indah penuh kiasan
Saat perpisahab bisa bertandang
Wajah kan sugul kepayahan
Lafaz kan tenat kelukaan
Sesungguhnya teman
Air mata perpisahan itu
Sejernih embun di dedaun
Bak mutiara berkilauan
Menyingkap rahsia keikhlasan
Duhai teman sejatiku…
Aku inginkan
Persahabatan indah ini
Bisa menjadi syafaat
Di Mahkamah Mahsyar nanti
Ketika semua umat manusia
Gusar mencari perlindungan
Allah menyeru tujuh golongan
Antaranya dua pemuda
Yang saling berkasih sayang kerana Allah
Begitu sabda junjungan
“Ya Allah tatkala bahang MahsyarMu
Menjilat tubuh
Izinkan kami bersama-sama berteduh
Tatkala mizan-Mu teliti mengira
Beratkan neracanya atas setiap jasa
Naungi kami disana
Berkat kasih keranaMU semata
Andai kulayak kesyurga
Kupinta dia bersama.”
Ambillah pengajaran setiap kata-kata…………..
Saturday, October 25, 2008

as we all know now, handphone become an important thing to people today to contact with the other person who are far away from us. it is also not only for eldest like our mom or dad but what we can see today the children just only 7 years old have use a handphone. What can i see from that scenario, handphone have become a trend for people today to have it and it is function not only for message and calling people but we can take a picture and listen to music and radio and watching television. besides that internet also we can explore in a handphone. how high the technology today.
today we also can see many brand of handphone such as NOKIA, SONY ERICSSON, SAMSUNG, LG, SIEMENS, MOTOROLA, M-MOBILE and other. different brand launch a different shape, colour and specialities and unique and easy to use. sometime we see that every month must have new product that with new function and specialities. the price of a handphone depend on their function whether it has camera or bluetooth or mp3 or mp4 or 3G or internet and others.
the shape of handphone today we see that it is become small and light and easy to carry everywhere we go and everytime.
Friday, October 24, 2008
falling in love....

today i would like to share about falling in love. i'm sure that all of you have been falling i love with someone.
there is an article that i got from internet. it is about falling in love..
Falling in love and love is are two quite different feeling. Falling in love can be either a flash of emotion or a first step towards love.
Falling in love ia s strong instinctive attraction to the person of the other sex. In case it's mutual and both lovers will work at their relationship one day that feeling can grow up into love. Falling in love is crazy, it very physical, it's when knees are getting weak and temperature rises, love is calm, comfortable and mental.
You have to do nothing to fall in love and often there's either nothing you can do to stop falling in love. it's very illogical: you suffer from splashes of emotions, doubts, cannot fully control yourself and it's all because of a person you usually almost don't know. When we fall in love nature shows all it's power on us. Sometimes it even goes against our sense when we understand that we can't expect nothing good from these relationships that it's the wrong person but still can o nothing about ourselves.
Falling in love is the call of our sex but the object is instinctually chosen according to our ideals, dreams although we may not realize it. We usually fall in love with the appearance of the person, with the way he or she walks, the way he or she talks. Sometimes we impute to our object of love some illusional, ideal qualities and the more we get to know that person the less we fall for him or her. That's when feeling disappears eve faster than it appeared.
The more two person get to know each other, the more comfortable they get the less shap, bright and exciting the feeling gets. Some couple continue their relationship and get married in the end some fall apart. It's reasonable to say that a second pair of slipper by the bed and one more toothbrush in the bathroom is the end of that crazy falling in love but it also can be the beginning of something more serious.
Different people fall in love more or less often than other. Some are switching partners enjoying crazy emotions which never turn with them into a real love. Some may fall in love for a short time while having some permanent partner they love, this can even ruin some stable relationship. Some can claim to be in love with two people at the same time. These are usually two very different people so that one can't choose which type is better but can neither afford to take both. In the center of love there's always only one person.
We may call falling in love some kind of a temporary illness both mental and physical and won't be very wrong. Some will say that it's destructive, selfish, possesive, blind and give falling in love many other unpleasant definitions. But have those people ever been in love? Because if they have they would know that it differs from any other illness in on very essential way- it can be very pleasant. Peopla nowadays often turn to antidepressants and drugs because it makes them feel better in the first case and makes them high in the second.
Falling in love is the most natural and the least harmless kind of doping. Yes, it's not mural, it never looks in the future, in fact it has no future but it gives life some spirit of freshness and youthfulness.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
my dream car..

today i like to share about my dream car. i know everyone has their own dream car so do i. my dream car is Honda Jazz. i start love this car since i'm in secondary school. i don't know why, but i really love this car and i know that it is very expensive and i don't know whether i 'll be able to buy this car in the future. the first impression when i see this car, this car is very cute and i think that it is very suitable for women and girls like me. i feel that this car is comfortable and it is just a small car and i think it is easy to drive and it would be fun. this car also look very exclusive and, this is my dream car. HONDA JAZZ.....
anime that i love to watch..

the anime that i love is bleach. it is very fun and i enjoy it. i'll never forget to watch all episodes.
The story opens with the sudden appearance of Soul Reaper Rukia Kuchiki in Ichigo Kurosaki's bedroom. She is surprised at his ability to see her, but their resulting conversation is interrupted by the appearance of a "hollow", an evil spirit. After Rukia is severely wounded while trying to protect Ichigo, she attempts to transfer half her powers to Ichigo in order to let him face the hollow on equal footing. Ichigo instead unintentionally absorbs almost all her energy, allowing him to defeat the hollow with ease. The next day Rukia appears in Ichigo's classroom as a seemingly normal human, and informs Ichigo that his absorption of her powers has left her stranded in the human world until she recovers her strength. In the meantime Ichigo shelters Rukia in his home and takes over her job as a Soul Reaper, battling hollows and guiding lost souls to Soul Society.
After a few months of this arrangement, in the sixth volume of the series, Rukia's Soul Reaper superiors interpret her disappearance as desertion, send a detachment to arrest her, and sentence her to death. Ichigo is unable to stop Rukia's capture, but with the help of several of his classmates who also possess spiritual abilities and ex-Soul Reaper Urahara Kisuke, he sets off for the Soul Reaper base, located in the afterlife realm known as Soul Society. Once there, Ichigo and company battle against the elites of the Soul Reaper military, and are ultimately successful in halting Rukia's execution.
It is then revealed that Rukia's execution and Ichigo's rescue attempt were both manipulated by Sōsuke Aizen, a high ranking Soul Reaper previously believed to be murdered, as part of a far-reaching plot to take control of Soul Society. Aizen betrays his fellow Soul Reapers and allies himself with the hollows, becoming the primary antagonist of the series, and Ichigo teams up with his former enemies in Soul Society after learning that the next step in Aizen's plan involves the destruction of his hometown. At this point, Bleach chronicles the war between Aizen and the Soul Society, a plotline which has not yet been resolved. According to Tite Kubo, the ending of the series is not yet planned out or writtten.
the character that i love the most in this anime is of course the hero, kurosaki ichigo.
- Ichigo Kurosaki
- The primary protagonist of Bleach, orange-haired high school junior Ichigo Kurosaki is forced to become a substitute Soul Reaper after unintentionally absorbing most of Rukia's powers. His cynical nature at first makes him ill-disposed towards the duty, but with the passage of time he comes to accept and welcome the strength his Soul Reaper powers give him, as it allows him to protect those close to him.
- Rukia Kuchiki
- Rukia Kuchiki is a sarcastic Soul Reaper who is assigned hollow extermination duties in Ichigo's hometown. Though her physical appearance is that of a teenage girl, in reality she is around 150 years old. At the opening of the story, Rukia is forced to transfer her powers to Ichigo and assume a temporary lifestyle as a regular human. She registers at the local high school and takes up residence in Ichigo's closet, while teaching him how to be a substitute Soul Reaper in her place.
- Uryū Ishida
- Though on the surface he is nothing more than the solitary class genius, Uryū Ishida is actually a Quincy, descendant of a line of priest-like hollow-hunting archers who were historical enemies of the Soul Reapers. He bears a deep grudge against all Soul Reapers, including Ichigo, and is an early antagonist in the series. He comes to view Ichigo differently over time, however, eventually becoming a valuable ally and friendly rival.
Food Allergy Causes
this time i would like to share with you all about allergy and more specific food allergy. the article i got from internet. this article is about the food allergy causes. i choose this topic because it is very related to some people. firstly this article talk about an allergic reaction occurs when the body's immune system overreacts to an allergen; we called immunoglobulin E or IgE. then, when this antibody comes in contact with the particular food protein, it promotes production and release of certain chemicals called "mediators". histamine is an example of a mediator. these mediators act on various parts of the body, mainly the skin, throat, airways, intestines, and heart. the effects of the mediators on organs and other cells cause the symptoms of the allergic reaction. so, any food has the potential to trigger an allergic reaction, but a few foods account for most food allergies. in fact, about 90% of food allergies are triggered by one of these 8 foods: eggs, milk, wheat, soy, peanuts, tree nuts, fish and shellfish. generally people who have allergies react to only a few foods. occasionally a person who is allergic to one food also may be allergic to other related foods. this is called cross-section. then, the common examples such as allergy to peanuts- Cross- allergies to soybeans, green beans, and peas allergy to wheat,- Cross allergy to rye Allergy to cow's milk- Cross- allergy to goat's milk Allergy to pollen- Cross allergies to foods such as hazelnuts, green apples, peaches, and almonds. people who have a history of other allergies, such as eczema or asthma, are particularly prone to having a reaction to a food. they are also more likely to have a more severe reaction.
in my opinion, allergy might be happen to the some people that not have strong body's immune system. Besides, we should choose the food carefully to avoid any health problem. so, that's all about the allergy that i could found. i hope that this article can be as new information to us.
This time, I would like to share about the sunburn. This is because it is very close to our daily life. I got this article from the internet..
The article said that, Sunburn results from too much sun or sun-equivalent exposure. Almost everyone has been sunburned or will become sunburned at some time. Anyone who visits beach, goes fishing, works in the yard, or simply is out in the sun can get sunburn. Improper tanning bed use is also a source of sunburn. Although seldom fatal (sun poisoning), sunburn can be disabling and causes quite a bit of discomfort. Sunburn is literally a burn on your skin. It is a burn from ultraviolet (UV) radiation. The consequence of this burn is inflammation of the skin. Injury can start within 30 minutes of exposure. These are the causes of sunburn which is UVA and UVB refer to different wavelengths in the light spectrum. UVB is more damaging to the skin especially cancer. So, both UVA and UVB are responsible for photo ageing(premature ageing of the skin and wrinkles) and sunburn. Tanning beds produce both UVA and UVB rays. Travel to the southern United States, regions close to the equator, and placesat high altitudes all offer the unwary visitor an opportunity to be injured by sunburn. Certain light- skinned and fair haired people are at greater risk of sunburn injury. Prior recent sun exposure and prior skin injury are risk of sunburn , even in limited exposure to the sun. However, normal limited exposure to UV radiation produces beneficial vitamin D in the skin. In my opinion, we should prevent our skin from the sunburn to avoid any health problem and also we should take care of our skin..