Thursday, August 28, 2008


today in english class we have done new activities..
you know what???
we have divided into 6 group.. each group have 5 or 6 member..
each group have to create alien using geometrical shape like square, triangle, rectangle, octagon, hexagon and so on..
beside that, we need to have our trademak..
my group trademark is ' sinchan!!!i, i, captain!!!
the first group that shout out our trademark will get MFD 10 thousand from miss fara..Miss Fara Dolar(MFD).. we are the first group that get first MFD 10 thousand dolar..we are so happy..

after we have done draw our alien using geometrical shape, we have to present it..we cannot show our alien picture.. the group that present their alien has to describe their alien shape and the other has to draw is quite difficult to draw it..

so.. today during english lesson so fun and the activity is very interesting..
i'm so happy..
smile always..

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