just now, i have read some article about best friend. i'm so interested about how to be a great bestfriend. i'm very sure that everyone have a best friends so do i. that article state about 8 ways to be a very great best friends.there are.
be loyal- you must always tick up for you friend and trust them, no matter what. no matter how tempted you may feel to join another side or leave them by themselves, make sure you always come through for them and show them that you will always be loyal for them, if your best friend knows that, you are off to a good start.
listen-be agood listener. you know what, nobody likes a best friend who just talks and talks, but never listen. if you are a chatterbox, it is okay if you are also a good listener. whenever your best best friend says something, listen carefully and say something. do not just say "yeah" and move on. do not interupt or fidget continually while they are talking to you. if they ask for advice, listen carefully and give them the best advise you can. it will earn you respect ans of course, make them come to you more.
be trustworthy-if the tell you a secret, keep it. do not even leak it out to someone you know you can trust. a secret is a secret. do not gossip about your best friend, do not say anything that might turn into rumor, and do not do things that you know would upset them. for example, if you bothhad a crush on the same person and they asked you out, do not just say "yes". make sure you know your best friend is okay with it. things like that are sometimes hard to do, but if you want a solid friendship you have to be trustworthy.
stick up for them-sitting and watching your best friend get picked on or teased is definitely not going to earn you a brownie badge in best friends. if yourbest friend is getting seriously bullied and you are scared you will get hurt if you get involved, then get help from a teacher or parets. if you can stick up for them without getting harmed yourself, make sure you do so. sometimes you can feel totally better after being picked on when friend tells everyone else to shut up ad clear off.
spend time together- hang out pn the weekends every now and then, do some homework together, and chat during break at school. you do not have to live in each others' pockets, but make sure you spend some quality together with your best friend to make the friendship grow and become stronger.
be yourself-being yourself around someone is part of what makes you guys best friends. be best friends with someone who you know you can be yourself around, because it is not worth it trying to be someone you are not so you can be closer to someone. do not hold thing in either, so if you feel uncomfortable or have hard feelings against your best friend, talk about it with them. make things comfortable between you two, and you will both go through thick and thin together.
7.care for your best friend- if they are away from home, send them cards or cre packages to show that you care. if the are sick, call them and ask how they are doing. best friends care for each other . show them you appreciate their presence in your life. write them notes to show that you care and thankful for them and ask about your lives.share your own stories, but make sure you have time for them.
8.avoid expectations-if you are assume what best friends' roles are, you will get disapointed and frustrated. best friends are one of the most valuable friends you have, but they cannot help or support you in every aspectof your life. do not expect them to always be there, or expect them to say the thing you want to hear. if there are expectations your best friends need to reach, that will only leave you in a disapointing defeat.
so, i hope you all will be a great best friends to your best friend. do not make them hurt because of us and always make your friends happy always.